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Chooser Pattern

Chooser is a hypermedia control that presents one or more choices for clients to select. A Chooser has two types that determine how many selections are possible. The types are patterned after HTML’s selection <input> formats. The Radio type accepts a single selection. The Multi type can accept multiple choices.

A client examines the Description resource of each Choice and makes their selection by triggering the Choice’s Action resource. The result of this POST changes the state of the Choice, depending on the type of chooser. The client can determine the chooser type by looking at the profile header.

The list of choices in the Link header list maintains the application’s desired ordering so choice ordering does not change during selection actions.

The Choice’s state is changed on the action, as is the state of the Chooser overall. For a radio chooser, selecting a choice deselects a previously-selected choice. For a multi chooser, the overall chooser’s state may change, depending on the business rules the chooser is representing. For this reason, the location response header from choice actions points to the Chooser resource so that the client can fetch the overall chooser state again.

This behavior is consistent with how UI elements like radio button groups, dropdown menus, and checkboxes operate in a user experience. Clients can associate POST requests directly to the choice elements and trigger them from user events.

Radio Chooser Resource

profile: <>

The Radio Chooser resource presents either the Info or Nexus profile. A Chooser resource has 0 or more choice/chosen links pointing to Choice resources in its list. The ordering of the links is intentional, meaning they should be considered the presentation order of the choices. The HTTP specifications require header order to be maintained so clients can expect consistent link order.

If the Chooser resource presents the Nexus profile, then it can be deleted with a DELETE operation. The Choice resources are deleted as well. The Description resources may not be part of the domain, and if they are not, then they are not deleted.

Multi Chooser Resource

profile: <>

Like the Radio Chooser, the Multi Chooser presents either the Info or Nexus profile.

If the Chooser resource presents the Nexus profile, then it can be deleted with a DELETE operation. The Choice resources are deleted as well. The Description resources may not be part of the domain, and if they are not, then they are not deleted.



Link to a possible Choice for the Chooser. The state of the choice is unselected.



Link to a selected Choice for the Chooser.

Choice Resource

profile: <>

The Choice resource presents the Action profile. POSTing to this resource will trigger an appropriate state change in the Chooser.



This link points to either a Radio or Multi Chooser to which this Choice belongs.



This link points to a Description that describes this Choice. This relation is similar to the registered IANA relation describedby.

Description Resource

Describes the Choice. Its profile is undefined as it could point to any resource in any domain. As an example, if the Chooser selects addresses, this Description resource links to an entry in an address list. Because of this, the Description resource has no choice-specific links or profile and is unaware that it participates in a Chooser pattern.


HTML 5.2: Input Element

HTTP/1.1 Message Syntax and Routing: RFC 7230

Protocol for Web Description Resources: POWDER

© 2019-2023 Matt Bishop
Creative Commons Licence
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.